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12/14/00- Terri accompanied Saturn and Benoit to the ring for their match against the Hardy Boyz. Jeff started this match due to Matt's shoulder injury. Benoit and Jeff went at it and Jeff won it very quickly with a roll up for the win. *No picture this week.*

Raw is War


12/11/00- Dean Malenko and Saturn with Terri took on The Hardyz with Lita. The match started wit h the Hardyz running into the ring and taking control of the match. The Radicalz slowed down the match and took control by isolating Matt Hardy. Matt was able to hit a suplex which stopped both men. Jeff and Saturn were then tagged in and the Hardyz hit Poetry in Motion on Dean. Matt Hardy hit a Twist of Fate on Saturn followed by a Swantonbomb by Jeff. Jeff went for the pin but Lita and Terri started to fight on the outside which distracted the ref. Jeff then went to help Lita, but as he made its way to the outside of the ring, Dean threw him into the stairs and he was counted out. After the match, Dean Malenko laid a lip lock on Lita while she was knocked out.
Winner: The Radicalz by countout




The Hardy Boyz and Lita Vs. The Radicalz (Dean Malenko, Eddie Guerrero, and Perry Saturn w/ Terri) : The match starts off quickly. The Radicalz attack The Hardyz outside the ring. Inside the ring, Malenko was protecting Lita and Perry Saturn threw her to the ground. Malenko and Jeff now, Malenko slams Hardy then slingshots Eddie into the ring along with the tag for the centon. In the corner now, Eddie pummels Jeff Hardy then whips him to the opposite corner. Eddie taunts and then charges Jeff only to meet the turnbuckle pad face first. Jeff follows up with a hurricanrada and then tags in Matt. Double Legdrop and a two count from Matt broken up by Malenko. Matt takes Malenko out of the ring only for him to return and get choked out along the top rope by Lita. Lita climbs the top rope. The Hardys take Malenko up for a suplex and Lita executes a flying crossbody. Terri now jumps on the apron and grabs Matt?air, allowing Saturn to work on the leg. Pace slowing now with Saturn hitting a few blows to the head of Jeff Hardy. Saturn climbs the ropes and hits a superplex, but Matt Hardy falls onto him in a cross body. Both men crawling to their corner. Jeff and Malenko tagged in, Jeff with a legdrop followed by some blows, big back body drop, and Eddie runs in and throws a few shots and Jeff who is not phased. He grabs the arm of Eddie climbs the ropes and hits a somersault armdrag taking Eddie to the mat.. All in one motion now, Jeff runs to the corner, leaps to the top rope and hits a flying 360 onto Malenko. Lita tagged in and climbs the ropes, she hits a hurricanrada taking him out. Saturn in and he and Lita double team for a hurricanrada off the back of Jeff. Matt with the Twist of Fate on Malenko. Outside Saturn has Jeff held in a bearhug, Matt runs through the ropes to hit both men. Lita hits a hurricanrada on Malenko into a pin, but Terri distracted the ref allowing Eddie to hit the Frogsplash, breaking up the pin. Malenko scores the pinfall and The Radicalz take the match.

Raw Is War


11-27-00 - Terri came out with the rest of the Radicalz after Eddie Guerrero was defeated by Billy Gunn and celebrated a four on one attack.

Later in the broadcast, Terri accompanied Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, and Perry Saturn to the ring as they took on the Hardy Boyz and Chris Jericho. Terri couldn't pull through for the Radicalz as Dean Malenko tapped out to the Walls of Jericho, giving the Hardys and Y2J the win.

Sunday Night Heat


11/26/00 - Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko vs. The Hardy Boyz

Terri gets a beating from Lita after trying to interfere in the match. The ref was distracted and with Terri's help, the Radicalz win!
